Manifest Previews
Want to see what Manifest is all about? Check out our previews of the Mythic Western Setting for your TTRPG games!
October Preview
Available Now!
The Geography, Timekeeping, and Countries of Destron
Discover the New World!
November Preview
Available Now!
Host Kings, Whistlers, and Dark Lawmen Lurk in these pages
Greet Friends and Foes!
Play a Duskmott!
Available Now!
Rules for playing a duskmott in
Dungeons and Dragons (both 5e and 2024)
and Pathfinder 2e!
Religions of
December Preview
Available Now!
Faiths, Missions, and Churches vie for your belief. Read well their words
Mugwump Rules
Play a Mugwump
Available Now!
Rules for playing a mugwump in
Dungeons and Dragons (both 5e and 2024)
and Pathfinder 2e!
Magic in
Coming soon!
Knacks, Crafts, and Spike Iron Tech are within your reach